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Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference Presentation(other)
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Journal Article│ Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education │ 2013 │ 3 │ 39-44 │ Scientific & Academic PublishingConformational analysis
Book│ 2010 │ AuthorHouse
WebsitesIntroduction to mechanisms, Laboratory
Journal Article│ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2016 │ 93 │ 1999–2003 │ American Chemical SocietyPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesComputation/modeling/simulation, Conformational analysis
Journal Article│ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2016 │ 93 │ 1984–1992 │ American Chemical SocietyPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Journal Article│ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2014 │ 91 │ 1054-1057 │ American Chemical SocietyComputation/modeling/simulation, Organometallic chemistry
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationIncreasing Engagement in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory with NMR Software, Videos, and a PracticalLaboratory
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationAlkenes and alkynes, Computation/modeling/simulation, Conjugation and Aromaticity, Structure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...)
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Book│ 2013 │ Norton
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Book│ 1930 │ Harper
Video (online)University of SurreyStereochemistry
Journal Article│ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2010 │ 87 │ 194-195 │ American Chemical SocietyLaboratory
Journal Article│ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2004 │ 81 │ 502 │ American Chemical Society Wiley ElsevierNucleophilic substitution
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning, Stereochemistry
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesIntroduction to mechanisms
Journal Article│ Deans for Impact │ 2015 │ N/A │ Deans for ImpactPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Video (online)Kevin SheaAlcohols, Carbonyl reactions
Video (online)Kevin SheaAromatic substitution, Conjugation and Aromaticity, Enolates and enols, Nucleophilic substitution, Organometallic chemistry
Video (online)Kevin SheaAcids and bases, Alkenes and alkynes, Carbonyl reactions, Introduction to mechanisms, NMR spectroscopy