Journal Articles
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- │ Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education │ 2017 │ 5 │ 41-47
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2016 │ 93 │ 210–212
- │ Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education │ 2013 │ 3 │ 39-44
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2016 │ 93 │ 1999–2003
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2016 │ 93 │ 1984–1992
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2014 │ 91 │ 1054-1057
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2010 │ 87 │ 194-195
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2004 │ 81 │ 502
- │ Deans for Impact │ 2015 │ N/A
- │ Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Learning @ Scale │ 2014 │ 41-50
- │ Proceedings of the National Acacemy of Sciences of the United States of America │ 2014 │ 111 │ 8410-8415
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 1994 │ 71 │ 222-224
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2013 │ 90 │ 273-275
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2013 │ 90 │ 183-190
- │ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2013 │ 37-44