This list of websites may be filtered for specific topics in organic chemistry, or you may select a different type of resource from the menu on the left.
Introduction to mechanisms, Nomenclature, Structure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...)
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Infrared spectroscopy, Mass spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy
Nucleophilic substitution
Introduction to mechanisms, Laboratory
Computation/modeling/simulation, Conformational analysis
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Introduction to mechanisms
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning, Stereochemistry
Acids and bases, Computation/modeling/simulation, Laboratory, Safety, (other)
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Infrared spectroscopy, Mass spectrometry, UV-vis spectroscopy
Carbonyl reactions, Conjugation and Aromaticity, Organometallic chemistry, Radicals
Acids and bases, Introduction to mechanisms, Oxidation and reduction, Stereochemistry, Structure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...)
Nomenclature, Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Infrared spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Structure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...), (other)
Introduction to mechanisms, Stereochemistry, Structure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...)
NMR spectroscopy, Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Computation/modeling/simulation, Conformational analysis
Computation/modeling/simulation, Conformational analysis
Computation/modeling/simulation, Conformational analysis
NMR spectroscopy
Elimination reactions, Introduction to mechanisms, Nomenclature, Nucleophilic substitution, Structure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...)
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Infrared spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Infrared spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Infrared spectroscopy, Mass spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy