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Book│ 2009 │ Jossey-Bass
Journal Article│ Proceedings of the National Acacemy of Sciences of the United States of America │ 2014 │ 111 │ 8410-8415 │ National Academy of SciencesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Book│ 2010 │ Jossey-Bass
Conference Presentation(other)
Video (online)Rekha SrinivasanLaboratory
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Video (online)Dr. Laurie S. StarkeyLaboratory
WebsitesNomenclature, Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationInfrared spectroscopy, Nomenclature, Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
SoftwarePedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesInfrared spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy
Video (online)Laboratory, (other)
WebsitesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Journal Article│ Journal of Chemical Education │ 1994 │ 71 │ 222-224 │ American Chemical SocietyAlkenes and alkynes, Computation/modeling/simulation, Conjugation and Aromaticity, Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning, Structure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...)
WebsitesIntroduction to mechanisms, Stereochemistry, Structure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...)
WebsitesStructure (hybridization, bonding, resonance...), (other)
Video (online)PanelPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesNMR spectroscopy, Pedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Journal Article│ Journal of Chemical Education │ 2013 │ 90 │ 273-275 │ American Chemical SocietyPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference Presentation(other)
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesComputation/modeling/simulation, Conformational analysis
WebsitesComputation/modeling/simulation, Conformational analysis
SoftwarePedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesComputation/modeling/simulation, Conformational analysis
WebsitesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
WebsitesPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Book│ 2006 │ W. H. Freeman
WebsitesNMR spectroscopy
Conference PresentationPedagogy/Teaching & Learning
Book│ 2012 │ John Wiley and Sons, Inc.