Flipping the Organic Chemistry Classroom using the Explain Everything App

Justin B Houseknecht
Author Affiliation: 
Wittenberg University
The undergraduate organic chemistry curriculum requires levels of analysis, synthesis, and critical thinking for which most students are under-prepared. As instructors it is our responsibility to provide the optimal environment for students to achieve these important learning goals. The “flipped classroom” is an effective model to achieve the higher order learning goals inherent in organic chemistry. The flipped classroom described here was implemented in conjunction with Just-In-Time Teaching (JiTT). The initial class contained fifty-one students at a small liberal arts college. Students prepared for class by following detailed reading guides, completing online homework, and commenting on the material with which they struggled using the course management system. Class was approximately half answers to their direct questions and half group problem solving. Students worked in groups of 3-4 to create both visual (pen strokes on the iPad) and auditory solutions using the Explain Everything app. Challenges and successes of this approach will be discussed including a four-fold reduction in students obtaining a D, F, or W in Organic I.
File Houseknecht-FlippingWithJitt.pptx6.86 MB
Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, 2014; Grand Valley State University, MI
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