Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) for Moodle

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Carl LeBlond's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2014/07/02 - 3:03pm
Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) for Moodle

I was inspired by Mark Muyskens (Calvin College) talk at BCCE about Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) in which he used a Moodle Wiki as an ELN.  So I developed an ELN for Moodle based on the ouwiki.  Students can work either separately or as groups on ELN pages.  Instructors can grade the ELN pages, provide templates of experiment pages and much more.  I've also developed two Atto plugins and a filter to be used with the ELN that allow students to insert chemical structures, timestamps and spectra.

OuWiki - (moodle-mod_ouwiki) - Modified ouwiki thats been modified to resemble and function as an ELN.

Structure Plugin (moodle-atto_structure) - Allows students to draw chemical structures and easily insert into ELN or any other pages.  Requires MarvinJS.

Timestamp plugin (moodle-atto_timestamp) - Allows students to easily add current data and time stamps to ELN entries.

JDX Spectra Filter (moodle-filter_chemdoodle) - Allows students to insert jdx files to create interactive spectra in the ELN.  requires ChemDoodle.

You can test drive on my website (www.scimersion.com) or download from my github site (www.github.com/cleblond).


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