
Organic Chemistry Rummy

This is a modified Rummy game to practice naming.  There are two versions:- Structure to nameThe cards have parts of structures with associated points.  The cards can added to each other and have to form a valid structure that the student then has to name to earn the points.- Name to structureThe cards have parts of names on them with associated points.  The cards can added to each other and have to form a valid name that the student then has to write the structure for to earn the points.It practices naming since the names/structures that will come up will be random (and since they'll add t

Organic Nomenclature


This website, created by Alison Flynn at the University of Ottawa, enables the user to create nomenclature quiz.  It seems that there are 944 possible questions, meaning this site could be very handy for students looking for nomenclature practice.

Web-based learning tools for organic chemistry

Jennifer Muzyka
Author Affiliation: 
Centre College

Students are expected to learn numerous reactions and develop problem solving skills in order to succeed in organic chemistry courses. I have created an interactive website with problems for students to practice as they learn reactions. The website is freely accessible (no login required) and gives immediate feedback to student users. The only requirement for the application to work is that JavaScript must be enabled on the user’s browser.