Introduction to mechanisms
energetics, reactivity, thermodynamics, kinetics
Welcome to Organic Chemistry with Joe Sloop
This site is designed to help organic chemistry students by providing common study resources on topics such as sprectroscopy, stereochemistry, mechanisms, and functional group transformations.
Mechanism calculator
A user draws a mechanistic step, and the program calculates the product of the electron-flow arrows that the user drew.
Organic I Videos
Organic Chemistry 1 on iTunesU
This is a set of lecture videos for organic chemistry 1. The videos are recorded tablet style and not in front of a class. They are available through iTunesU. To experience all of the content, run the iTunesU app on an iPad. The videos can be watched on any computer that runs iTunes.
ChemTube3D University of Liverpool
ChemTube3D contains interactive 3D animations and structures, with supporting information for some of the most important organic reactions.
Khan Academy
a website to study various subjects with vedio lectures