VIPEr Resources

In addition to your organic chemistry courses, do you also teach general chemistry, or organometallic chemistry, or perhaps an integrative lab course?  Are you the one the department calls on to fill in when your inorganic chemist is on sabbatical?  If any of these are true, the leadership council encourages you to apply for a faculty account on VIPEr, the Virtual Inorganic Pedagogical Electronic Resource (! While many resources are available without an account, you can apply for faculty privileges by checking the box “request faculty privileges” on your user profile so that you will be approved to have access to answer keys and other faculty-only resources.  

There are many resources, including labs, literature discussions, lecture materials, and problem sets and VIPEr currently has 1600+ faculty users and houses 1150 individual learning objects (bite-sized teaching resources) in multiple areas of inorganic chemistry. A number of Collections of teaching materials on the site have been created around important themes in the field and to help new faculty teaching general chemistry or inorganic chemistry for the first time.

Two new video series about teaching have recently been started: round-table discussion-style presentations (SLiThErs), and short, group conversations with faculty peers (nanoCHAts); recordings of both may be viewed on the IONiC VIPEr YouTube channel. 

In addition, VIPEr has an active community chat on Discord that facilitates pedagogical and research collaboration and allows members to support each other. Since June 2020, one of the channels, dedicated to conversations and resources about supporting DEI, has seen more than 350 posts.

The VIPEr leadership board encourages interested OrganicERs to drop by, learn from, and even contribute to the VIPEr community!

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