Watch for the Active Learning in Organic Chemistry Miniworkshop

Applications and information are now available for this summer’s miniworkshop June 12 – 15 in Atlanta.  As shown on the cCWCS website

“Studies over the past decade have shown the use of active learning pedagogies in the classroom result in positive student learning outcomes in science courses.  These improved outcomes include higher test scores and final grades, improved conceptual understanding of content, lower withdrawal rates and improved attitudes toward science.  There are a number of techniques that can be implemented to make the classroom a more active learning environment, including those that can be retrofitted into a traditional lecture or used to completely flip the classroom. 

This four-day workshop will give organic chemistry instructors an opportunity to learn more about innovative pedagogical approaches and the technological tools used to teach organic chemistry with a learner-centered approach. Sessions will include hands-on activities in backward design and the development of student learning goals, different ways to flip your classroom including video lectures, Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) and the use of Peer Instruction (PI) along with classroom response systems.  Workshop participants will also have the opportunity to try the various support technologies used to implement these pedagogies including screen capture, iPads, Doceri, Explain Everything, clickers, and Livescribe Pens. 

Participants will be introduced to an online community ( where they can share course materials such as questions used with clickers or flipped classrooms.  This online community also serves as a place for sharing educational resources and communicating about topics via discussion forums.
The workshop begins with a reception and evening session, followed by two and a half days of activities ending with lunch on the last day.”

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