Peer Review Comes to OrganicERs Website

To encourage the development and sharing of high-quality instructional materials on our website, the OrganicERs Leadership Board has developed a peer-review feature that contributors may select when they submit learning objects for inclusion on the site. We realize that peer review plays a significant role in professional advancement of faculty members. The ability to include peer-reviewed learning objects in a dossier for tenure or promotion may strengthen a faculty member’s case, and we hope to facilitate this process.

When a member submits a learning object as a contribution to the OrganicERs website, they now have the opportunity to request peer review on their submission. The review process will proceed similar to how it works with journals. Editors will work with reviewers to seek feedback on submissions, with a rubric listing expected components of a successful submission. Author and reviewer instructions are available in a new section on the website titled Peer Review Process.

Website users will be able to recognize materials that have passed the peer review process by the peer review badge on these items. Authors may elect to have these materials available to website visitors that are not members of the community. Alternatively, authors may request a letter from an OrganicERs leadership board member providing details about their peer reviewed submissions for inclusion in a tenure or promotion file. OrganicERs members who are interested in serving as reviewers should contact Matt Casselman at

Link to information about peer review process on OrganicERs site

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