Active Learning in Organic Chemistry Symposium at the Orlando ACS Meeting

Dear OrganicERs,

We invite you to present all the exciting things you are doing in your organic chemistry class at the Active Learning in Organic Chemistry Symposium at the ACS meeting in Orlando. We decided to organize this symposium to provide an opportunity to people who could not make it to the BCCE. Our symposia feel like reunions for people who went to cCWCS ALOC workshops and provide a great opportunity to network and share ideas for new members of the community of organic chemistry educators.  The deadline for abstracts is October 29.

Alex Leontyev and Jennifer Muzyka

 Here’s the description of the symposium.

Active Learning in Organic Chemistry

Multiple studies have shown that the use of active learning pedagogies in the classroom result in positive student learning outcomes in science courses.  These improved outcomes include higher test scores and final grades, improved understanding of content, lower withdrawal rates, and more positive attitudes toward science.  There are many techniques that can be implemented to introduce more active learning into any environment, including those that can be incorporated into traditional lectures, used to completely flip the classroom, or create hybrid courses.  This symposium includes presentations of organic chemistry faculty who have implemented active learning, broadly defined, in their organic courses.

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