Author Instructions for Peer Reviewed Learning Objects and Laboratory Experiments

Suitable Content

OrganicERs will accept learning objects that use active learning in the classroom or laboratory settings. The criteria for publishable learning objects are divided into the following categories for evaluation:  pedagogy, usefulness, and presentation. To be considered for publication on OrganicERs, a learning object must:

  • Be a laboratory experiment/activity or an active learning activity using techniques such as but not limited to,
    • Jigsaw
    • Structured Problem Solving
    • Round Table
    • Knowledge Grid
    • Concept Map
    • Think Aloud Problem-Solving Protocol
    • Muddiest Point
    • Think Pair Share
    • < li>Just-in-Time Teaching

  • Have pedagogical content and educational relevance and insight that demonstrate a positive impact on teaching and learning.
  • Show utility to OrganicERs members engaged in organic chemistry education, organic chemistry courses or labs, or a related professional activity by indicating the connection to teaching and learning within that context.
  • Provide a presentation of well-developed ideas in a comprehensive, organized discussion written in clear, concise English using descriptive headings, and making effective use of nontextual components.
  • Provide all required components for the learning object provided in the Learning Objects Components section.

Relevance to Active Learning

In evaluating submitted manuscripts for publication on OrganicERs, the learning object should meet the following expectations:

  • Show how the content fits into the chemistry curriculum and improves teaching or learning of chemistry.
  • State the level of the intended audience(s).
  • Define the course(s) for which it is appropriate, stating the length of time needed and rationale for presenting the information. It should present information on how the students executed the work and responded to it.

Copyright and Permissions

The leadership board of OrganicERs is interested in the widest possible dissemination of active learning and by default materials will be posted via Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). If authors wish to use a different licensing agreement, they should indicate such in their submission.

Authors must obtain permissions from copyright holders to use figures, illustrations, or photographs from other sources that appear in their learning object. Permissions are also required for the use of student generated work, screenshots, logos, clipart, and cartoons unless the authors produced the material. Model releases must be signed by people who are shown in photographs. Permissions are not needed if the authors produced the material. Data photos such as chromatography plates and spectra are exempt. Authors are encouraged to use generic rather than brand names to obviate any potential permissions issues. Similarly, the use of trademarked logos should be avoided.

Learning Object Components

Each submitted learning object must include the following components.

  • Learning Object Title
  • Learning Object Author(s)
  • Author affiliation(s)
  • Corresponding author
  • Summary description of the activity
  • Learning objectives
  • Instructor’s guide to use and implementation
  • Materials to be used by and with students such as but not limited to
    • Videos and/or video quizzes
    • Pre-class readings
    • Internet resources
    • Worksheets
    • Clicker questions
    • Problems for group work
      • Syntheses
      • Mechanisms
      • Spectral identifications
    • Post class assignments and follow up
  • Answer keys
  • For laboratory materials
    • Instructor's notes
    • TA notes
    • Reagent and equipment list
    • Safety warnings/hazards
  • Acknowledgements, if appropriate
  • References, if appropriate


There are no formal guides or restrictions to formatting. It is expected that all materials are clearly legible and do not violate copyright. Handwritten or handdrawn materials are discouraged. Reviewers and editors may require changes if they deem submissions are insufficiently clear.

Editorial Process and Peer Review

Initial Processing
Once a submission is posted, an editor from OrganicERs will be assigned. They initially evaluate the submission to determine whether it should be sent for peer review. Learning objects that do not comply with recommended components (e.g., missing content sections, excessive length, excessive figures and tables, poorly written English) will be returned to the author. It can be resubmitted once the requested changes have been made.

Peer Review
The editor sends the learning objects to two or more reviewers for evaluation. The reviewers can recommend that it be published as is, revised, or not published. Reviewers evaluate an object’s pedagogy, usefulness, presentation, completeness, and value for active learning. The editor evaluates the reviewers’ arguments in the context of the content requirements and relevance of the material to OrganicERs and decides whether to approve it. The editor will adjudicate the approval of the object based upon the reviewer comments; however, the reviews are not to be considered votes and the review process is not one of majority rules. Criteria are reflected in the requirements for publication articulated above and in the following rubric for reviewers.

Resubmission of a Rejected Learning Object
If a learning object is rejected, the author is encouraged to carefully read the comments provided. To submit a revised manuscript to OrganicERS, contact the editor who handled the submission and request his or her permission to resubmit. After receiving permission to resubmit, indicate in an email that it is a revision of a previous learning object and provide a copy of the previously submitted learning object. In the email, state how it has been changed compared with the original. If it was reviewed, submit a detailed list of responses to each of the comments of the reviewers or provide convincing reasons for declining to do so. If you believe strongly that the learning was not judged fairly, present your argument in the email. If the editor agrees, submit the learning object to OrganicERs again.

Professional Ethics
Editors, reviewers, and authors are expected to adhere to the standards embodied in the American Chemical Society’s Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research ( Authors are reminded of their obligation to obtain the consent of all their coauthors before submitting a learning object for publication. If any change in authorship is necessary after a manuscript has been submitted, the corresponding author must mail a signed letter to the editor confirming that all of the original coauthors have been notified and have agreed to the change. The authors should disclose at the time of submission all potential sources of bias, including affiliations, funding sources, and financial or management relationships, that may constitute conflicts of interest. The corresponding author should provide a statement on behalf of all authors of a paper. OrganicERS is committed to deterring plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Note that your learning object may be screened during the submission process. Further information about plagiarism can be found in Part B of the ACS Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research.